My art

Creating art – oil painting, digital art, virtual reality environments, a bit of photography and occasional sketches.

Creating art…

Contemporary Australian artist using oils to paint landscapes and portraits but also using painting techniques to create digital art and virtual reality environments.

I am not interested in using art as a vehicle for political or activist purposes but make art for art’s sake (and to make a living). I hope other people enjoy looking at my art as much as I enjoy making it.

I work from my studio/family-home in the bush near Gundaroo about 40km from Canberra and most of my paintings draw inspiration from the surrounding countryside. Most of my oil paintings are based on photos I have taken but much of the digital and VR is based on imagined creatures and environments.

I completed an honours degree in visual arts at the Australian National University and my major work involved researching and developing virtual reality environments with a painterly style, particularly focussed on the horror genre.

Sample portraits

Ian Fleming



Click to view collections

Current Artistic Focus – Australian rural landscape visualised in a representational style oil paint brushes on board or canvas

Earlier Works & Other Artistic Directions – Fantasy, Digital Art, VR, Portraiture, Experimentation

Latest Post

  • Beyond the cockey’s gate

    Beyond the cockey’s gate

    One of the things I almost always like in framing the photos I base my my paintings on, is some element of human artefact, either being overgrown by nature or, as in this case, of a temporary rough and ready nature. In this view we are looking over a cockey’s gate into a well tree’d…

    More…: Beyond the cockey’s gate
  • Winter Outlook

    Winter Outlook

    This is another late Autumn day looking from verge across the lane and fields towards the hills the other side of Brooks Creek. It’s raining and everything is green and glistening and the rainfall streaks the mist veiling the hills. The tall bare tree standing out in the distance is always one of my favourite…

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  • Reflections on a Pond

    Reflections on a Pond

    This is a view of a small seasonal pond out the back of our place which, when full, provides a great little watery environment for frogs and insects. I love the way the light interacts with the reeds and distorts the reflections. On the day I took the photo for this, the blueness of the…

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