The Alley – A painterly VR Environment for horror

The focus of my Visual Arts Honours project was exploring the utility of a painterly approach to VR for creating and enjoying animated movies and specifically within the horror genre. Initially I started trying to create a short film based on the Lovecraft story, “Shadow over Innsmouth” – which is the subject of another post. Critical review if this approach refocused my efforts on creating a smaller series of vignettes and using a more resource efficient approach to painting the environments, The video shows a walk through of ‘The alley; explaining how it was created.

The actual constructed environment can only be experienced within a Meta/Oculus environment and is not available in this site.

I will shortly be adding a copy of the thesis and some images from other VR environments I created even before THE “Shadow over Innsmouth” trailer.

The ‘alley’ was a multi-level multi-scale environment which was built to explore in VR – so the snapshots here only scratch the surface of content and immersion.

Image from the alley towards diner

Seen from above it contains a mix of bright lights, dingy dwellings, rubbish and, maybe even, mystery. The cafe with its jazz quartet provided a counterpoint to the less welcoming areas.

distant image of Jazz group
Close up of jazz group

One of the micro-environments I created in the alley was the ‘wild things’ place. This was designed to show off the ability to zoom into places. At the human level this just looked like a patch of wasteland but close up there was an small wild community plotting, struggling and living out their lives hidden amidst the alley’s trash.

viper view of wild thingsmplace
distant view of wild things place

You could venture into the buildings in the alley – not always a desirable course.

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