Fantasy & Sci Fi

These are mainly digital works although I may add some drawings, VR or oil paintings art some point. The digital works are mainly done with Adobe Artist on a Wacom Cintiq but increasingly with Procreate on my iPad because of its convenience but also because I am beginning to prefer its tool set to the Adobe ones.

Most of these works have been for my own pleasure, and to develop my ability to paint with the digital tools. There is also some done for concept development for commissions, oil paintings or VR works. It will include (once it is released) a commission I did for a (vinyl) record cover and animated images for music videos.

There are further digital works in my Sketchbook portfolio which includes incomplete works, detail studies for other paintings, and works which were done as part of my university studies.

Initially, I have only included the same images as in the Digital Art area but hope to add some more from my ‘back-catalogue’ soon .

Click on an image to see further details or comment.

Sword & Sourcery

Having always loved the Lord of the Rings movies, been playing World of Warcraft since primary school and played innumerable fantasy computer games, card and board games since – imagining and painting fantasy scenes is probably the artistic activity I enjoy, and indulge in, most.


I have long enjoyed Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Cycle books and they formed the main inspiration for my university honours project. More details of this work are in the VR pages of this site.

Science Fiction

Having grown up on Star Wars, Avatar, sci-fi computer games and Marvel Universe – I have always enjoyed science fiction ideas and images. While it has been less of an artistic focus, I have created a few sci-fi images and worked on a couple of commissions for record covers and animated music videos whose working images are in the sketchbook area and whose completed works will eventually appear here once the accompanying material is published.