• Hello World!

    Hello World!

    IanFlemingArt web site going live. As with most new sites there will be a few glitches – if you spot one I am happy to hear about it and my team (Dad in this case) will attempt to fix it. The site’s purpose is mainly to provide an online portfolio of my works and provide…

  • Beyond the cockey’s gate

    Beyond the cockey’s gate

    One of the things I almost always like in framing the photos I base my my paintings on, is some element of human artefact, either being overgrown by nature or, as in this case, of a temporary rough and ready nature. In this view we are looking over a cockey’s gate into a well tree’d…

  • Winter Outlook

    Winter Outlook

    This is another late Autumn day looking from verge across the lane and fields towards the hills the other side of Brooks Creek. It’s raining and everything is green and glistening and the rainfall streaks the mist veiling the hills. The tall bare tree standing out in the distance is always one of my favourite…

  • Reflections on a Pond

    Reflections on a Pond

    This is a view of a small seasonal pond out the back of our place which, when full, provides a great little watery environment for frogs and insects. I love the way the light interacts with the reeds and distorts the reflections. On the day I took the photo for this, the blueness of the…

  • Mystic garden

    Mystic garden

    Another painting of our front yard, this time featuring the trailer and in early Autumn with the light breaking through and behind the big juniper tree in our front garden. I loved the way the light falls on the bush and rocks behind the trailer and casts a halo in front of it. So many…

  • Light and Dark

    Light and Dark

    I love painting dramatic clouds and this battle as the bright blue sky fights a last ditch stand against the encroaching dark storm clouds and the gathering dusk above the local fields provided an excellent subject. It is from a shot I took looking West from Shingle Hill Way just before the Brooks Creek Lane…

  • Lines into the Mist

    Lines into the Mist

    This is another painting of the gap made for the power lines as the pass from our top paddock through the neighbour’s pine plantation to the pastures beyond. Unlike the first this is in winter and the scene is barely lit by an overcast sky that casts no shadows as the lines disappear into the…

  • Storm breaking

    Storm breaking

    It was a really cold windswept day but I managed to drag myself outside and snap a couple of photos as we drove from our place to Gundaroo shortly before sunset to pick up some pizza for an early dinner. I get cold just thinking about it. Not a day to paint en plein air….

  • Goat shed after the storm

    Goat shed after the storm

    This is the third of a series of paintings of our abandoned goat shed in different weather conditions, aspects and lightings. Whereas previously the storm was threatening and then breaking, the shed has been pelted with rain and pummelled by wind, one corrugated iron panel lied on the ground but the wind has dropped and…

  • Shearer’s Shed

    Shearer’s Shed

    This was a really dull late Autumn day – my favourite sort to paint. The shed – maybe once a shearer’s or could have even been a gold miner’s shed – stands just beyond Shingle Hill Way before it meets Sutton-Gundaroo Road. Until a couple of years ago it stood facing the road but they…